Low light stress i, a limiting factor tor crop production especially In agroforestry system. A POI
experiment was conducted at Shcr-e-Bungla Agricultural University. Dhaka- 1207. dunng the month ...of
October 2019 to mid April 2020. Three brinjal varieties viz. VI (OARI Begun-I), V. (BARl Begun-I). V,
(BARI Begun-v) were CXP(h~-d to four light intensity (100.75.50 and 2500 I'AR which indicate control
SI. S: and S, respccuvely) to evaluate their performances, Light ~trc,~ (rnarnly S: and S,) sub tantially
hampered the plant growth, development :I:. well as yield. Low lIght 'tre~. primarily reduced the
phorosymhcuc performance of plants which contribute in reduction of plant heIght. number of primary
branches and leaves of all bnnjal plants. Moreover low light intensity negatively affects the fresh and dry
weight. It also decreased number of fruits, fruit length. fruit diameter and indiv idual fruit weight in nil
variety. A~ a result plant wise brinjol production hampered seriously with lull' yield. In comparison with
control (100% PAR) rrcannent. 75% PAR condition (S,) decreased fruit weight by 16.8. 13.5 and 19.7~.
in V,. V~ and V] respectively. In 50% PAR condition. yield per plant were decreased by 36.·t_ 33.5 and
42.4% in VI_ "1 and V, respectively. Lastly severe stress (S]) decreased fruit weight per plant by 55.0.
61.5 and 67.0% in VI. "1 and V, respectively. From this result it i~clear lhot under severe Stress (S,) V,
perform well but V1perform well against $1 and S: treatments.