dc.description.abstract |
Fifty seven diseased (anthracnose) leaf samples of mango, guava, litchi, lemon
and jamun from six nurseries of Dhaka namely Krishibid Upakaran Nursery,
Kharnarbari Nursery, Nupur Nursery, Yamin Nursery, Tanjila Nursery and
Poribesh Sohayok Nursery have been collected. A total of Eighteen isolates of
Colletotrichum gloeosporioides and one isolate of Gloeosporium spp. were
isolated and studied for morphological and physiological variability. Bioassay
of the isolates was conducted against three fungicides and one bio controlling
agent. Highest (17.6 um) and lowest (7.1 urn) length of conidia were observed
for lemon (Oakjamil) and guava (Apel) isolates respectively where highest (4.S
urn) and lowest (2 urn) breadth of conidia were observed for litchi (8ombai)
and guava (Apel) isolates respectively. Effect of temperature on ,the mycelial
growth of Colletotrichum spp. was studied at 18°C, 24°C, 2SoC and 32°C. The
lowest mycelial growth was observed at 1SoC, then it increased at 24°C and the
highest growth was observed at 28°C while the growth decreased at 32°C
temperature. The highest and the lowest 56.66 mm and 14.16 mm mycelial
growth were recorded at 2SoC and ISoC respectively after 7 days of incubation.
Tolerance of 19 isolates of Colletotrichum spp. was tested against three
fungicides, namely Bavistin 50 WP, Cupravit SO WP and Indofil M- 4S at the
rate of SOO, 1000, 1500 and 2000 ug/rnl and was incubated for 7 days. Among
the three fungicides Bavistin SOWP showed best performance in controlling
Colletotrichum spp. isolates. Colletotrichum spp. isolates could not grow at all
in 1500 ug/ml where Cupravit 50W? and Mancozeb SOWP stopped isolates
growth at 2000 ug/rnl. Interaction study between CoJletotrichum spp. isolates
and Trichoderma were done by using dual culture method. It was observed that
in all the cases Trichoderma inhibited growth of Colletotrichum spp. after 7'
days of incubation Trichoderma grew over Colletotrichum spp. after IS days
and lysed zone was formed at the point of meeting. Trichoderma based bio
fungicide could be an effective option to control Colletotrichum
gloeosporioides. |
en_US |