Genetic divergence among 41 genotypes of rapeseed and mustard was estimated using D' analysis. In each
case of three species B. napus, B. rapa and B. juncea the genotypes under study fell into six clusters. The
inter-cluster distances were larger than the intra-cluster distances in each species suggesting wider genetic
diversity among the genotypes of each species. In Brassica napus Cluster II had the highest intra-cluster
distance. Cluster I and III had no intra cluster distance because only one genotype was under each of the both
clusters. Inter cluster distance was maximum between clusters II and IV. In Brassica rapa Cluster II had the
highest intra-cluster distance and Clusters I, V andVl had the lowest intra cluster distances. Inter cluster
distance was maximum between clusters I and IV. In Brassica juncea Cluster I had the highest intra-cluster
distance while clusters II and VI had the lowest or no intra cluster distance. Inter cluster distance was
maximum between clusters I and IV. The results revealed that genotypes chosen for hybridization from
clusters with highest distances would give high heterotic F, and broad spectrum of variability in segregating