A study was conducted at the experimental farm of Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University (SAU), .
Dhaka during January to July, 2005 to evaluate the effect of six [PM Packages in suppressing
brinjal shoot and fruit borer. [PM packages were: I. Mechanical + cultural control, 2. Mechanical
+ cultural control + Sumi-alpha 5EC @ Imill of water at 7 days interval, 3. Furadan 5G applied
at vegetative stage+ Sumi-alpha 5EC applied at 7 days interval, 4. Mechanical + cultural control,
Suntap 50 WP at 7 days interval,S. Suntap 50 WP at 7 days interval, 6. Mechanical and cultural
. control + Suntap 50WP + Sum i-alpha 5EC at 5% infestation level, 7. An untreated control is
needed in this study for comparison. These packages were tested on a local brinjal variety,
"Khatkhatia'. Highest infestation of shoot (17%) & fruit (63% by wt. & 75% by no.) was observed
in the control plot, which was significantly highest from all other treatments. The lowest shoot
infestation (6.0%) and fruit infestation (36. I I %) was obtained from the plots of Mechanical and
cultural control + Suntap50WP@lg/l & Sumi-alphaSEC @ Imlll of water, which was differed
significantly from other treatments. The rate of fruit infestation due to BSFB was higher at later
stages of crop growth for all the treatments.