The study was coitd ticted at the l)epartinetit of Agric LII tural Chem istrv. Shere-e-Bangla
Agrictilttiral University. Shere-e-I3amla Nagar. Dhaka in coordination with Soil Science
I)i viSion. Bangladesh Arieii twa I Researe Ii Institute. Gaiipur during Decen1 her 2012 to
i anuarv 20 I •l to investigate the geochemical baseline and heavy metal concentrations in the
soil of l3araptikuria open coal ni in iiia area A total of 12 soil samples vverc collected
nlainta mi ng a depth ol' 0-20 cm from 4 sides o Cm in ing area and a distance of about I km in
each side. The concentrations of heavy metals (Cu. A. It. Cd and Cr) in soil samples eiv
cleternitned by using an Atomic Absorption Spectropliotonieter (AAS) after digestion with
uqLia reL':a (I 1N0I I-ICL - 1:3). Ihe averaee concentrations of(ti. In. Pb. Cd and Cr in the
soil samples were 22.42. .11.36. 19.63. 0.18 and 55.09 tg g . respectively. On the other hand.
the calculated mean geochemical basel inc values br ('LI. In. Pb. Cd and Cr were 20.40.
32.80. 22.47. 0.17 and 48.69 Jag f. respectivel. Out of 12 sampling sites. 12% samples
slims ed the h ieher values for Cu. In. Cd. Cr and Pb. respectively than that of the
eochemical baseline value of the .stud) area. The deposition of outlet fly ;isli may he
responsible üir the increase of heavy metal coiicentrations in surfhce soil aroLind the study
area. I lowever. heavy metal coilcentral ions in the soil samples were still lower than those of
the other coal mining areas of the world. The overall order of soil en ronment hazard of
metals "as in > Cr > Cu > Pb > Cd. lhe calculated polltition load index (PI,) values ranged
lion t I). 54- I .69 IN soil samples. The contani ination factor for most of the satnp I ing sites for
all sttid ied heavy metals except Pb was j List a 1111 Ic Ii iglter than 1.0. vh ich indicates that Zn.
Un. Cd and Cr were the major poi lutatus in the soils of I ktraptikuria open coal in inc area.
l lv. the calculated geoacc urn ulattion index ( L 0) values of some soils of l3arapuk tiria open
coal in inc area revealed moderate po1 hit ion level by (ti. Zn. Cd and Cr (loin aittliropogen ic
sources. Contpari ng the concentrattions with the other in in ing areas of the world, it can he
concluded that the soil of the st tidy area has not vet been So Ia r pol kited. but ii it is continued.
the concentration of hean metal in the stud' area may increase to h iher levels causing
adverse impact on the soil environment as well as in the fbod chain. Therefore, proper
precautionary nieasttres sltou Id be taken to in inim ize further deterioration for the sake of
en v iron in em and niank i nd.
A Thesis
Submitted to the Faculty of Agriculture,
Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural Lniversity,Dhaka,
In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of