The experiment was conducted at the farm of Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural
University, Sher-e-Bangla Nagar, Dhaka, Bangladesh during the period from
March to June 2012 to study the effect.s of cowdung and phosphorus on the
growth, yield and nutrient content or mungbean. The variety BARI Mung-5 was
used as the test crop. The experiment consists of' two factors: Factor A: Cowdung,
(3 levels); CO: 0 ton cowdung ha" (control), C l : 5 ton cowdung ha". C2: 10 ton
cowdung ha': Factor B: Phosphatic fertilizer (3 levels); 130: 0 kg P205 ha')
(control), P,: 20 kg P205 ha4 and P,: 40 kg P205 ha". The two factors experiment
was laid out in Randomized Complete Block Design (RCI3D) with three
replications. Data on different growth parameters and yield showed statistically
significant variation for different levels of cowdung and phosphorus. In case of
cowdung, the tallest plant. the highest number of leaves plant- the highest number
of branches plant'. the minimum number of days required for l' flowering, the
minimum number of days required for 80% pod maturity, the highest number of
pods plant", the highest number of seeds pod". the longest pod, the maximum
weight of 1000-seeds. the highest seed yield, the highest stover yield and nitrogen.
phosphorus. rotassium and sulphur content in seeds were recorded from 10 ton
cowdung ha' , whereas the lowest value was found from control treatment. For
phosphatic fertilizer, the tallest plant. the highest number of leaves plant". the
highest number of branches plant". the minimum number of days required for l
flowering, the minimum number of days required for 80% pod maturity, the
highest number of pods plant4 , the highest number of seeds pod". the longest
pod, the maximum weight of 1000-seeds, the highest seed yield, the highest stover
yield and nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and sulphur content in seeds were
recorded from 40 kg P205 ha". while the lowest value was recorded from control
treatment. Due to interaction effect of different levels of cowdung and
phosphorus, the tallest plant, the highest number of leaves plant". the highest
number of branches plant', the minimum number of days required for l
flowering, the minimum number of days required for 80% cod maturity, the
highest number of pods plant". the highest number of seeds pod' ,the longest pod,
thc maximum weight of 1000-seeds, the highest seed yield, the highest stover
yield and nitrogen. phosphorus, votassium and sulphur content in seeds were
recorded from 10 ton cowdung ha' and 40 kg 1'205 ha". whereas the lowest value
was recorded from 0 ton cowdung ha-1 and 0 kg 13205 ha".
A Thesis
Submitted to the Faculty of Agriculture,
Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural Lniversity,Dhaka,
In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of