The research work presented in this thesis was conducled to evaluate the
performance of loniato under the different levels of salinity (NaCl) in the
hydrophonic culture house of Baneladesh Agricultural Research Institute
(I3ARI). llorticulwre Research Centre. (iazipur. during the period of November
2011 to Febniarv 2012. The experiment was laid out in Completely
Randomized Design (CRD) with tour replications. There were five treatment
combinations Salinity levels (T1 -o dSm' . f74 dSm . 1' S dSm" . l.= 12
dSni' and Tç-lb dSm5, Results revealed that l (control) showed the best
performance in terms of growth, yield and yield contributing attribtttes, plant
physiological parameter, plant nutrient concentration. The maximum ntuiiber of
Fruits (19 plant ) and the highest fruit weight plant (1.60 kg) were Ihund
train the control treatment. This experiment showed differtnt impact of each
nutrient and its interactions on tomato plant. The experiment showed that at 16
dSm' salinity level highest Na and Cl uptake itdueed the uptake of K and at 0
dSm" salinity when Na and ('I ions were low in water. K uptake increased.
Salinity had a greater impact on stomata resistance and chlorophyll content of
plants. The experiment also showed that at control treatment leaf area plani'.
total chlorophvl I content and plant dry matter was highest but stomata
resistance was minimum and on the oilier hand. at 16 dSm 1 salinity level these
Factors showed fully reverse. I lowever, the overall impact of salinity had
negative impact on growth and yield oftornato plant.
A Thesis
Submiued to the Faculty of Agriculture,
Sher-e-Bangra Agriculiural University, Dhaka-1207
in part fulfillment of requirements for the degree of