Based on the finding. loan repayment behavior of female borrowers was assessed
in this study. The objectives of the study were I) to discuss the socio-economic
characteristics of the female borrowers 2) to assess the loan repayment behavior of
the female borrowers 3) to explore the relationship between each of the selected
characteristics of the female borrowers and their loan repay ment behavior 4) lo
identify rhe problems faced by the female borrowers in repaying loan to BRAC.
The study was conducted at San th ta Thana of Pabna district. The population of the
study was 1000 female borrowers from which a sample of 100 female borrowers
was selected using a proportionate sampling technique. Data were collected
through face-to-face interview ing of their respondent from September 02 to
October 02. 2006. It was found that age. education. family size and organizational
participation of the female borrowers had no significant relationship with the loan
repayment behavior while land tenure, annual income, annual expenditure and
attitude towards the BRAC loan had significant relationship with their loan
repayment behavior. The findings reveal that 26% of the female borrowers repaid
their loan regularly. 53°·0 of the femaJc borrowers were mecliurn paid group and
only 21 ° o of the borrowers were irregular paid group. Based on the loan
Repayment Problem Index, it was observed the .. Money to repa)' loan often not
available .. was ranked l ·• followed by "Sudden hazard due to natural calamities"
was ranked 2"J .. less profit received from sales produce" was ranked 3rd.
A Thesis
Submitted to the Faculty of Agriculture,
Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University, Dhaka,
in partial fulfillment of the requirements
for the degree of