A field experiment was conducted at the Sher-e-l3angla Agricultural University Farm
during the period from July 2006 to October 2006 to find out the performance of Aman
rice as influenced by nitrogen and zinc on the yield of I3RRI Dhan 39 . There were 16
treatments combinations comprising of four levels of N (0. 50, 100 and 150 kg N ha")
and four levels of Zn (0, 5. 10 and 15 kg Zn ha"). The maximum plant height (112cm),
total number of tiller plant" (12.16). number of eflective tiller plani' (11.79), paniele
length plant" (23.80 cm). number of filled grain panicle" (88.46) and grain yield (4.91
ha") were recorded under the treatment of 100 kg N ha* Straw yield increased
significantly upto 150 kg N ha". but the grain yield showed a significant negative effect
at this rate of N application. Plant height, total tillers, effective tillers and panicle length
increased significantly with increasing Zn application upto 5 kg Zn ha", while the
number of filled grain panicl&'. grain yield and straw yield enhanced with increasing Zn
doses upto 10 kg Zn ha". 1 -Towever the application of 15 kg Zn ha" had a significant
negative effect on grain yield but not on straw yield. The T,, (N 2Zn2) treatment
combination at the rate of 100 kg N ha" and 10 kg Zn ha" perform better than other
treatments in the present trial considering rice yield and yield contributing parameters.
The interaction effect of different doses of nitrogen and zinc showed statistically
significant dilierenees in consideration of total tiller, effective tiller. IIIIS grain and grain
yield of rice. From the viewpoint of grain yield and nutrient content of rice and the
nutrient requirement of the crop. the N and Zn combination (N2Zn2) at the rate of 100 kg
N ha" and 10 kg Zn ha4 was considered to be the balanced combination ol' fertilizer for
the maximum output through cultivation of rice in Deep Red Brown Terrace Soil.
A thesis Submitted to the Department of Soil Science Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University, Dhaka In partial flit flhlment of the requirements for the degree of